
Matthew Marvin - Against All Odds

Matthew Marvin created a lasting impression when he started his modeling career.He now has some of the most frequently visited pages on the web and the fan base continues to grow in large numbers. One woman who had worked in journalism all the way in Boise asked whether this was the same Matthew Marvin who models on Myspace. Bluetooth Device The name apparently rings bells?Do you know who Matthew Marvin is?Yeah, didn’t think so. So let me just explain you as to what Xbox 360 Accessories and where Matthew Marvin really is…… Ever thought about what it feels like to go to nine different middle schools in one year? How it feels when you are left homeless, in a mobile home park, at a young age on the streets of Mississippi? To be in a place where you have like absolutely zero guardians, less money, and no friends? How it feels to travel like a minimum of twenty minutes by trolley (one-way, mind you) to the nearest proper hangout joints or shopping experiences? To have one little "mall" in your area, with that mall being a joke in the name of malls? One can not spend more than, say, 2-3 hours at that place. And then what? Back to square one - that is, having no life at all.And that, my dear friends, just about sums up just one of the places that Matthew Marvin grew up in. Biloxi, Mississippi.Well… I might have exaggerated. A teeny weeny bit. But that doesn’t change the fact that Mississippi is amongst the top contenders of the worse places a new student (or for that matter, anyone) can be stuck in. Ask any Mississippi native if s/he disagrees completely with what I say. The answer will be a firm NO."If you grow up on your own in Biloxi you either sell drugs, Nail Pen work at a Casino, or struggle," Marvin says. Thanks to Hurricane Katrina Biloxi still doesn't have a lot of things. Biloxi does have Casinos, but that is wayyyyy too expensive for my stingy li’l pockets. Like few others Marvin found his way off of the streets an honest way. Matthew signed up for the military shortly after graduating from Biloxi High School. Can you beat that?"Arghhhhhhh. It is all so frustrating! Unless you are born into money living in Biloxi, Mississippi is nothing less than torture. I lived there because I had no choice, and I was outta there shortly after I graduated. I feel bad for the poor souls living there who long to have a real life and can’t. Unless you are born into money the streets of Mississippi just seem to trap you. Some people stay there because of friends, family, or both. I love Biloxi! Biloxi is one of my homes but I encourage everyone who has never been out of the state to at least travel. Biloxi would be a good place to retire but it's no good for our youth. As long as they stay trapped in a place like the slums of Biloxi, they can only dream of having a full and exciting life…."

