
Prepaid Legal Review A must review for Prepaid legal Associate

In 1972, Harlond Stonecipher started Prepaid Legal Service. This company is listed in the NYSE as PPD, and they can be seen in the direct sales section. I knew of their existence before,they actually recently caught my attention after a lady made an atttempt to recruit me into her business. She is a representative with prepaid legal. Is prepaid Legal Service a scam? NO. Is this the best company for you in terms of financial freedom? It all depends.Product and service:As you can probably guess from their name, they offer legal services for regular folks like you and I at a relatively cheap price. I am talking of $26 per month or led lights something in that range. These attorneys will be accessible to you anytime you telephone call them during the week. In my opinion, this is a "hell of" a transact business.Also it is worthy to note that these lawyers are all veteran lawyers. An average attorney visit would probably cost you $100 per hour. With these package, you get to use their expertees for $20 per hour. You cannot beat them.They offer protect againt identity theft. review of contracts, tax audit services, motor vehicle services, covers preventive legal services, trial defense services, , and legal shield. The identity theft service is not available for the basic package but you can always upgrade to that for extra $10 per month. You have to pay $249 for a partnership with prepaid legal. This is moderately not expensive compare to other business opportunities out there.How do you get paid with Prepaid LegalHere is the juicy part.How is the payment structured in Prepaid legal opportunity? OK, I will be honest with you here. Prepaid legal has a complicated compensation plan. I will simplify it here. You get paid portion of the monthly fee of the customers that you personally obtain. You get a percentage as these customers pay the monthly services fee.You also get paid when you recruit people and get them to become a prepaid legal associate just like you are. In the prepaid legal complicated payment plan, There are five positions to obtain in prepaid legal.. 1.Associate2.Senior Associate3.Manager4.Director5.Executive PositionShould you join prepaid legal business Opportunity?That is your decision to make. Will you attain financial freedom with the prepaid legal business opportunity? Yes Even though I don't like the market for the services. Prepaid legal has one of the best payment plan out there. To make any good money though, you need to develop your sales skills. Being financially free is not an easy task. Developing your marketing skills is also essential. There is a proven system that you can use to market yourself in such a way that people Iphone 4s Dock And Cable will literally beg you to merge withyour prepaid legal business. You need to leverage the internet. There are tens of free methods you can use Online that will place in front of millions of people per day. You need an online MLM lead generation system.

